What if children were like flowers?

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I remember hearing about the huge earthquake that ripped through Haiti on this exact day two years ago, but in my ignorance and inability to swallow such serious devastation at the time, I remained rather motionless.
I eventually donated a few dollars, or...wait...
Maybe I only kept thinking about donating whenever the topic came up.
The deep twist in my heart: Do something.
Do what?
Give what? How?
To justify: I'm already giving my money and time for other things.
And I have laundry to do, appointments to keep, and...on and on...

I saw...

I smelled...

I held...

O, God... forgive me for being so blind, so self-involved.
I beg You.
Have mercy on the people of Haiti.
Be there, God.
Be there and be felt, be known by all the people--all of them.
Have mercy on the people of Haiti.
Move in the hearts of Your people in that nation and elsewhere to give:
Money, knowledge, food, resources, aid, And real hope.
Your lasting love is the real thirst quencher.

Dad, please give us grace at Child in Hand.
Give us favor to be able to do meaningful work
Work that causes ripple effects of actual, continuing change in that country.
Let us be inside of what You are doing.

Jesus, save us.
Save us from deception, from thinking we are being effective when we are not.
Save us from disorganization--that the time and resources you give us would be maximized.
Save us from pride, that we may work humbly and without acclaim.
Thank You, my One, for the burden in our hearts to see Haitians set free from trauma and violence and hopelessness.

Give us eyes to see what is good. Give us wisdom to know what to do.
And, God... please give us the courage to do it.
Love Haiti, Father.
Lead us in Your mercy.

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