What if children were like flowers?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Crossroads

A great impact occurred at the 2012 Colorado Crossroads Junior National Volleyball Qualifier last month. Over 42,000 people circulated the Denver Convention Center, including 1,152 participating volleyball teams. The usual face-crushing kills and nail-biting moments of teams unifying under pressure occurred steadily. However, an even greater impact happened in front of Court 11, where cardboard images of suffering, yet smiling, children and a river of handmade bracelets displayed at the Child in Hand booth drew many of the Crossroads participants away from each day’s athletic activity to consider, for a moment, the continuing plight of Haiti’s people.

That consideration—those moments of donating, browsing, questioning, and listening to the history of Haiti and the mission of Child in Hand—is right now making a very real difference in the lives of very real people. Over $2,800 was collected and will be spent towards providing direct food and resources to over 90 children and their caregivers, comprising two of our completely dependent orphanages of the six that we serve, for almost two months. Child in Hand would like to thank each person for their important consideration and support.

A note from CiH Assistant Project Director:

“My name is Tracy Stalls, former professional volleyball player and Team USA member, and I had the pleasure of engaging many of the coaches, staff, players, and parents of Crossroads (many of which I have known for years) about the mission of Child in Hand. What a personal gift it was to hear and to see passion for the less-fortunate lived out within the volleyball community. It is my hope that more and more young people who play this sport will recognize their privilege and blessing, no longer just expect it, by seeing the truth of suffering and even having the courage to do something about it.

A special thanks goes out to my friends and teachers at Front Range Volleyball Club and to Crystal Carey, a woman who gave many hours and joy towards making this impact possible.”

The mission remains, and the needs will resurface. So if you want to stay involved, that would be beautiful. Please check out our website (www.childinhand.org), our blog (www.childinhand.blogspot.com), or contact Tracy directly at t_stalls@childinhand.org.

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